So, i’ve been using linux as my daily driver on my laptop for around a year and in vms for 3 years. But that doesn’t change the fact i suck at any *BSD based OS. Last week i wanted to change that, so i tried on my laptop (Thinkpad T420).
Installation went smoothly, but i had an issue making the usb. As i was used to downloading iso images for linux i’ve done tha same thing. Begginer’s mistake. It took me 3 hours to realize i had to download the .img file. After that i had to change some settings in the bios but that was easy. Since then i started using the OpenBSD guide from krzysztofengineer and The OpenBSD Handbook. So let’s get into installing. As I said it went pretty smoothly. The one thing i was scared of was the wifi since the one I have is Intel Centrino Wireless-N 1000 and it doesn’t work on many linux distros.
After installation i was thrown into xenodm - the stock openbsd display manager. I was suprised that the resolution was correct because when I tried it on my old eee pc flare it was stuck on 800x600. I logged in and did the basic post-install things like syspatch
and updating my system.
So, i use i3wm as my daily driver on all my linux machines. Some people might say that dwm is better but i hate the concept of patching it like a fucking caveman. So, I installed the i3-gaps package and set up my .xsession
. I logged into it and saw that i3status was not working so I used some guy’s bar script. The sound was working out of the box and the battery monitor too. I got to the point of a usable desktop but then the dealbraker hit.
The browser I use on daily basis is librewolf. I wanted to install it and the only way of installing was to compile it. I didn’t want to waste 5 hours compiling it on my weak sandy bridge dual-core i5. If someone says to use something else, I can’t. I have everything on my profile and that doesn’t work on stock firefox. Some little things like my neovim config also didn’t work and that actually made me quit.
OpenBased is a great OS, but i just can’t use it. It may be good for some people but i just can’t use it. You can call me a normie, but I don’t care. Currently I run Debian bookworm. With that all, goodbye.